The Two Types Of Coverage You Need To Carry To Be Protected Against Hit & Runs
You have some degree of control over if you get into an accident; however, you can't control everything. Sometimes accidents just happen.
One of the worst types of accidents to get into is a hit and run accident, where the other driver flees the scene of the accident. Oftentimes, uninsured drivers flee the scene of the accident, or individuals who don't want to interact with the policy.
As you can't predict if you will be involved in a hit and run accident, it is important to carry the two types of insurance that will provide you with protection should you be involved with a hit and run accident.
Coverage Type #1: Collision Coverage
You are not required to carry collision coverage in most states. Most states only require you to carry liability coverage.
Collision coverage will provide you with both medical and vehicular coverage if you are involved in a hit and run accident. That means that your insurance will step-up and cover the cost of fixing or replacing your vehicle. Your insurance will also cover the medical bills for you and your passengers as a result of the accident.
With collision coverage, you are going to need to pay the deductible for the coverage to go into effect. You may also be required to report the accident to the police as a hit-and-run for your insurance coverage to kick-in.
Coverage Type #2: Uninsured Motorist Property Damage
Second, you may also want to carry uninsured motorist property damage coverage. This policy coverage is sometimes called either uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage. This type of coverage is designed to cover a few different types of situations.
It will cover property damage to your vehicle and personal possessions in the event of an accident. It will provide you with that type of coverage if you are in a hit and run accident. It will also provide you with coverage if you are hit by someone who stops, but doesn't have insurance, or doesn't have enough liability coverage on your insurance company to cover all the damage to your property.
If you want to protect yourself from all types of accidents, you need to make sure you have the right coverage in place so if you are ever involved in a hit and run accident, or hit by an uninsured or underinsured driver, your vehicle and medical bills will be taken care of. Speak o a company near you for more information.